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Friday 17 January 2014

Full Screen Turbo C/C++ for Windows 7, 8 and Vista

Turbo C/C++ is the most popular C and C++ compiler, In many schools and colleges are still using Turbo C++ compiler even In my college also, Many Computer programmers and students are using Turbo C compiler to run C and C++ programs and to create projects also. programmers and students are still using this compiler because it is very easy to use and it's a free compiler.


Also Read : Download Windows 8.1 Preview [Serial key]

In Windows Xp and older version of Windows, Turbo c/c++ compiler works perfectly and you can use it in full screen by pressing alt+enter. But in advanced operating systems like Windows 7 and 8 it won't support for full screen. Turbo C++ is a 16 bit compiler that's the reason you can't get full screen feature on Windows 7,  8.

How to make Turbo C/C++ full screen in Windows 7, 8 and in Vista?

  • Go to this site and download Turbo C/C++ Compiler
  • After downloading Turbo C/C++ compiler, extract it (Compiler is in .rar format)
  • Then Run extracted setup file. (file name ETCsetup86-64)
  • That's it ..your're done.

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